Strengths Spotlight #24: Curiosity

Thanks for joining us for the final spotlight on one of your 24 character strengths. We hope these mini-podcasts and emails have, over the past couple of months, supported a specific strength ‘lens’ in your conversations and activities. Being aware of, spotting and intentionally using character strengths supports wellbeing in individuals, and helps to build and deepen relationships.

Please feel free to email us and let us know what you've enjoyed about this series and what we could improve in the future.

Today’s final spotlight is on Curiosity. Below is a summary of key resources and ideas from the podcast.


  • Interest, novelty-seeking, openness to experience.
  • taking an interest in finding out more about people, places, ideas, and things.

Curiosity is a strength which is closely related to other strengths of Wisdom, including Love of Learning and Open-Mindedness.

These strengths are about tackling temptation and managing emotions and behaviour. What does a focus on Curiosity look like in your world today? Can you ask the other members of your household to look out for and share examples of interest and adventure?


  • Spot and celebrate curiosity as a strength as children use it.
  • Ask kids to come up with a family project that they can be curious about, whether it’s tracking how much mail you receive, how often you have to fuel the car, or a veggie garden – what are the mundane ways you can inspire curiosity?
  • Make slime!
  • Join an online craft or DIY class.
  • Plan a hypothetical holiday and research where you might stay, eat and visit.
  • Investigate something that has resonated with you over the last 24 episodes of our strengths podcasts.
  • Pursue an interest for the sake of enjoyment – get lost in the adventure of something new.


  1. Book
    Curious, Todd Kashdan
  2. TED Talk
    How to Spark your Curiosity, Nadya Mason
  3. Book
    Big Ideas for Curious Minds, The School of Life

1 comment

  • I liked listing to curiosity podcat I like it cause I like to ask questions

    Alyazia Al Sh

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