Strengths Spotlight #17: Persistence

Thanks for joining us for another spotlight on one of your 24 character strengths. We hope to provide a focus for you as you go through your day, and hope to support a specific strength ‘lens’ in your conversations and activities.

Being aware of, spotting and intentionally using character strengths supports wellbeing in individuals, and helps to build and deepen relationships.

Today’s spotlight is on PersistenceBelow is a summary of key resources and ideas from the podcast.


  • Perseverance, industriousness. 
  • Working hard and sticking with something valuable that you’ve started

Persistence is a strength which is closely related to other strengths of Courage, including Zest and Honesty. These strengths are about taking action even when it’s hard to do so.

What does a focus on Persistence look like in your world today? Can you ask the other members of your household to look out for and share examples of perseverance and industriousness?


  • Build something big, like a Lego tower or marble run.
  • Learn something new about a hobby, or deepen your enjoyment by undertaking a new element.
  • Pick something to work towards; 50 pushups, knitting a scarf, cooking a whole meal... the options are endless.
  • Consider how you self-sabotage, or let negative self-talk about procrastination stall your efforts at persevering.
  • Spot yourself using persistence, and reflect on the feeling.


  1. Kid's Book
    ​​​​​​​The Little Engine that Could, Watty Piper
  2. Book
    Grit, Angela Duckworth
  3. TED Talk
    Why you will fail to have a great career, Larry Smith

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